103. Memorandum of Agreement on Direction and Supervision of U.S. Psychological Operations in Vietnam1
1. The United States Government has established the Joint U.S. Public Affairs Office (JUSPAO) as the U.S. Mission organization for coordination and direction of all U.S. psychological operations in Vietnam, including psychological operations advice and assistance to the Government of Vietnam. The Minister Counselor for Public Affairs, U.S. Embassy, Saigon, has been designated as Director, JUSPAO. He functions under the overall authority of the Ambassador.
2. The responsibility for development of psyops policy and for substantive supervision and coordination of all psychological operations in Vietnam is delegated to the Director, JUSPAO. This responsibility is applicable to all U.S. Mission Agencies in Vietnam. The Director, JUSPAO, through his planning office develops psychological operations directives applicable, with Mission Council concurrence when appropriate, to all U.S. Mission Agencies in Vietnam.
3. JUSPAO serves a three-fold function of providing advice and assistance to the Ministry of Information and Chieu Hoi (Vietnamese Information Service), conducting psychological operations in support of U.S. objectives and of providing substantive (technical) supervision, direction and support of all Mission elements involved in psychological operations. Within this framework, the primary task of the JUSPAO field organization is support of Revolutionary Development.
4. The responsibility for coordination of regional/provincial psychological operations rests with the JUSPAO regional/provincial representatives who serve as principal psychological operations advisors to the corps commanders and provincial chiefs for civil matters and provide advice on psyops policy and substantive supervision, direction and support to all U.S. efforts in the field of psychological operations.
5. The Mission Psychological Operations Committee chaired by Director, JUSPAO, consists of representatives of the Mission Agencies convened as necessary to review substantive psychological operations questions and coordinate the management of Mission participation in and support of psychological operations programs. All Mission Agen [Page 313] cies are represented on the Mission Psychological Operations Committee, with the ACofs, J–3 representing COMUSMACV.
6. Inter-agency support of approved psychological campaigns will be coordinated through the U.S. Mission Council, the Mission Psychological Operations Committee, or by other duly appointed representatives of the agencies concerned.
7. COMUSMACV conducts psychological operations in support of US/FWMAF/RVNAF military operations and in other areas as agreed to by COMUSMACV and Director, JUSPAO, within the context of JUSPAO guidance and directives. COMUSMACV provides advice and assistance to RVNAF psychological warfare activities, to include corps commanders and sector and sub-sector commanders for military matters.
8. This agreement replaces Joint MACV/JUSPAO message dated 18 May 1965, Subject: Direction and Supervision of U.S. Psychological Operations in Vietnam.2
- Source: National Archives, RG 306, DIRCTR Files Bx 33–36, 1966: Acc. #69–A–3445 {E}, Entry UD WW 193, Box 23, I—The Director’s Office (July through September, 1966). No classification marking. Oleksiw sent Marks the memorandum of agreement under a September 22 covering memorandum, noting: “In effect, the memorandum merely reconfirms the authority of JUSPAO as the principal director and supervisor of psychological operations.” (Ibid.)↩
- Not found.↩