File No. 763.72/2459a
The Secretary of State to the Ambassadors in European Belligerent Countries
For your information. Gore resolution forbidding American citizens to travel on armed merchantmen brought for vote in Senate yesterday. In accordance with wishes of President it would have been tabled by majority of over two to one. Gore at last moment amended resolution to read in substance that it would be just cause of war if an American life was lost by sinking of armed merchantmen by German submarine. Vote to table this resolution and whole [Page 187] matter then taken, carrying 68 affirmative, 14 negative. Supporters administration all voted table motion. Those opposed administration voted in negative. Although this was a deliberate attempt to avoid original issue, no question that action is favorable to position of administration. Vote to be taken in House Monday or Tuesday on resolution forbidding Americans to travel on armed merchantmen will undoubtedly be favorable to administration.