British “letters of assurance” to American shippers
[604] The Assistant Secretary of Commerce (Sweet) to the Secretary of State
March 9, 1916
[Received March 11.]
[Received March 11.]
File No. 763.72112/2330
[605] The Foreign Trade Adviser of the Department of State (Holder) to the Commercial Adviser of the British Embassy (Crawford)
May 20, 1916
File No. 763.72112/3414a
[606] The Commercial Adviser of the British Embassy (Crawford) to the Foreign Trade Adviser of the Department of State (Holder)
May 23, 1916
[Received May 24.]
[Received May 24.]
File No. 763.72112/3415
[607] The Consul at Saloniki (Kehl) to the Secretary of State
July 6, 1916, 10 a. m.
[Received 11.15 a. m.]
[Received 11.15 a. m.]
File No. 763.72112/2696
[609] The Acting Secretary of State to the Consul at Saloniki (Kehl)
July 8, 1916
File No. 763.72112/2696
[610] The Acting Foreign Trade Adviser of the Department of State (Letcher) to Mr. Carl S. Stern
July 11, 1916
File No. 763.72112/2715
[611] The Minister in Norway (Schmedeman) to the Secretary of State
October 20, 1916
[Received November 7.]
[Received November 7.]
File No. 763.72112/3131
[612] The Acting Foreign Trade Adviser of the Department of State (Letcher) to the Commercial Adviser of the British Embassy (Crawford)
December 9, 1916
[613] The Commercial Adviser of the British Embassy (Crawford) to the Acting Foreign Trade Adviser of the Department of State (Letcher)
December 11, 1916
File No. 763.72112/3379