File No. 861.48/208
The Ambassador in Russia (Francis) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 20.]
Sir: I have the honor to enclose sealed communication from His Imperial Highness, Emperor Nicholas II, to His Excellency Woodrow Wilson, [Page 912] President of the United States, in reply to a letter from the President delivered by myself personally to B. V. Sturmer, Minister of Foreign Affairs, on August 11, 1916. When this letter was delivered I stated to the Minister of Foreign Affairs that I would be pleased to convey it in person to His Imperial Majesty, but the Minister replied that the Emperor was at the front and inaccessible, but that he, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, would deliver it himself. The Minister also informed me that the Emperor had been informally advised of the contents of the letter when they were cabled to the Embassy and transmitted in formal communication to the Foreign Office.
In my cable No. 727, sent August 27,1 I transmitted to the Department a translation from Russian of the note conveying the Emperor’s sealed reply, also copy in French of that reply, in accordance with request of the Foreign Office. Enclosed herewith are copies of those communications.2 I am also enclosing memorandum of interview between the Minister of Foreign Affairs and myself on this subject held August 11, 1916.1 That memorandum also treats of other subjects discussed in the interview had with the Foreign Minister.
I have [etc.]