File No. 812.516/115

Special Agent Silliman to the Secretary of State


Department’s December 31, 4 p.m. Decrees relating to issue of paper money. De facto Government states today through Subsecretary Nieto that decree of December 6 was for the purpose of leaving on hand in the Treasury as much as could be secured of the money issued in the State of Chihuahua, receipt being given for same. The object in calling in the extra issue was to validate whatever was presented as of the issue of six million pesos which Villa was authorized by the First Chief then make and to destroy the unauthorized issue. This has consistently been the course of the Constitutionalist Government as to currency issued and floated by its enemies whether Huertistas or others. The decree has no reference to the Chihuahua issue entitled Ejercito Constitutionalista, signed by Serapio Aguirre, validity of which is unquestioned. Concerning other money mentioned by Department, it was stated that the object was to withdraw it from circulation giving receipt for same and reserving the Government’s final decision regarding it for future deliberation. Department’s concern for the interests of American citizens who might be holders of these different issues was conveyed to the Subsecretary and he was reminded of the circumstances attending the various issues. He replied that the decrees were no longer in force as the time mentioned in them had expired and that while regretting any loss in consequence of them the Government was not prepared at this time to suggest a mode of relief.
