Controversy between the National Railroad Co. of Haiti and the Government of Haiti. Good offices of the United States 1

1. Continued from For. Rel. 1915, p. 538.

[423] The French Ambassador to the Secretary of State

File No. 838.77/132

[424] The Secretary of State to the French Ambassador

File No. 838.77/132

[426] The Chief of Division of Latin-American Affairs to the Minister of Haiti

File No. 838.77/137

[427] The Acting Secretary of State to Minister Blanchard

File No. 838.77/134a

[428] Minister Blanchard to the Secretary of State

File No. 838.77/135

[429] The Secretary of State to Chargé Scholle

File No. 838.77/136

[430] The Minister of Haiti to the Chief of Division of Latin-American Affairs

File No. 838.77/141

[432] The Secretary of State to the Minister of Haiti

File No. 838.77/141

[433] The Minister of Haiti to the Chief of Division of Latin-American, Affairs

File No. 838.77–143

[434] The Chief of Division of Latin-American Affairs to Mr. R. L. Farnham

File No. 838.77–143

[435] The National Railroad Company of Haiti to the Secretary of State

File No. 838.77/152