- Agreement between the United States and China extending time for
appointment of the commission under Article 2 of the Treaty of September 15,
1914. Effected by exchange of notes (Document 55)
- Political affairs. Movement
to restore monarchical government in China. Secessionist and revolutionary
movements. Convocation and assembly of Parliament (Documents 56–107)
- Death of President Yuan Shih-Kai and succession of President Li
Yuan-hung (Documents 108–116)
- Huai River conservancy project. Further extension of the Red Cross option.
Contracts between China and an American firm for improvement of the Grand
Canal in Kiangsu and Shantung. Intervention of Japan and reservation of
rights by the United States
(Documents 117–137)
- Financial affairs. Loan agreements with Lee, Higginson & Co. and with
the Continental & Commercial Trust & Savings Bank of Chicago.
Opposition of the consortium groups; attitude of the United States (Documents 138–150)
- Railway concessions. Hukuang railways; discrimination against American
material. Nanking-Nanchang-Pinghsiang concession to the British and Chinese
Corporation. Pin-hei concession to the Russo-Asiatic Bank. Fengchen-Ninghsia
concession to the Siems-Carey & Co. (Ltd.). Protest of Russia. Attitude
of the United States (Documents 151–189)
- Abrogation of provisions of certain treaties conflicting with the Seamen’s Act of March 4, 1915. Acceptance of the abrogation by China.
- Protection of Chinese interests in Ecuador by the American Legation.
- Discrimination in freight rates affecting equality of commercial opportunity in China. Protest of the United States.
- Protection by the United States of Chinese interests in Mexico.