File No. 312.67/65

The Secretary of State to Special Representative Rodgers

Sir: The Department encloses herewith a copy of a despatch from the American Consul at Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, and a petition from Jorge Elias, a Turkish subject, requesting the return of $185.70 Mexican silver, which was taken from him by the Mexican authorities at Nuevo Laredo on March 24, 1916. In the absence of a Turkish [Page 798] representative at Nuevo Laredo, Mr. Elias appealed to Consul Garrett for assistance.

2 For. Rel. 1915, p. 1072.

The Department desires you to bring this matter to the attention of the appropriate authorities and to request that the money be returned to Mr. Elias.

I am [etc.]

For the Secretary of State,
Wilbur J. Carr