File No. 312.67/65

Consul Garrett to the Secretary of State

No. 282

Sir: I have the honor to enclose herewith a petition1 from Jorge Elias, a Turkish subject, to the Secretario de Hacienda y Credito Publico, Mexico, D. F. asking the return of $185.70 Mexican silver, which was taken from him here to-day when he attempted to cross the international bridge, with it to buy provisions and other necessaries for his family.

Mr. Elias states that he was not aware that there was any law against taking silver money out of the country, and as he made no attempt to conceal it, I believe the Secretario de Hacienda will order it restored to him if the matter is properly presented to him, especially as it leaves the man and his family almost destitute.

As there is no Turkish representative here and I have been instructed by Department to look after their interests I respectfully request that Department will pursue such course as they may deem advisable to have Mr. Elias’ petition presented and his interests properly protected.

I have [etc.]

Alonzo B. Garrett
  1. Not printed.