File No. 812.5034/24

Mr. Parker, representing American interests, to the Secretary of State

No. 530

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the Department’s telegraphic instruction No. 424 of September 18, 7 p.m., directing me to forward translations and official copies of certain decrees relative to orders to notaries in regard to incorporation, especially oil lands, and in regard to the renunciation of national rights in application for incorporation, and in compliance therewith to transmit triplicate copies of the official bulletins, El Diario Oficial, of June 17, August 25, and September 5, 1916, containing the decrees in question, together with the translations of same.

I have [etc.]

Charles B. Parker
[Page 774]
[Inclosure 1—Translation]

circular no. 36

Circular No. 19, transmitted by this Ministry, under date of February 17, 1916, to public notaries and register judges of the Federal District and Federal Territories, prohibits the authorization of contracts of purchase and sale of real estate wherein the seller is Mexican and the purchaser a foreigner.

In view of the fact that, for the purpose, of that disposition the declaration made before a notary public in the form of a clause in the contract that the foreigner hold himself as Mexican in all and for all the rights and obligations he assumes in his condition of proprietor of real estate in the Republic of Mexico, for the special case in question, is sufficient according to the case and the judgment of the Ministry of Justice, the First Chief of the Constitutionalist Army, in charge of the Executive Power of the Republic has seen fit to dispose:

In all matters relative to the transfer of real estate in which the seller is Mexican and the purchaser foreigner, the Ministry of Justice may give its conformity according to the case and always provided that the application contains the statement that the purchaser waives all his rights of nationality and holds himself as Mexican in all and for all the rights and obligations he assumes in his condition of tenant of real estate in the Republic.
A similar application to that set forth above should be sent to the Ministry of Justice, which shall have the faculty to decide the case when it relates to the acquisition of real estate by a foreigner and the seller also being a foreigner.
With relation to the formation of corporations for the purpose of exploitation or exploration of oil lands and similar cases, application for a permit shall be applied for before the Ministry of Justice for the corresponding registration, without in any way altering the dispositions emanating from the Department of Fomento, Colonization and Industry, in order that through it the office of the First Chief may give the resolution pertaining thereto.

Roque Estrada
[Inclosure 2—Translation]

circular no. 38

The First Chief of the Constitutionalist Army, in charge of the Executive Power of the Republic, has provided that paragraph third of the circular No. 35 of this Department, dated June 17th last, be increased in the sense that, in order to be admitted and passed upon, the petitions for the formation and registration of corporations in general and those whose object is the exploration and exploitation of oil lands in particular shall contain the following requisites: that in a clause of the charter of the company, it be stated that the foreign stockholders renounce their nationality for all the effects of the company; and that the certificates of stock mentioned in article 178 of the Commercial Code, contain an expression to the effect that whoever acquires the same necessarily implies the waiver of nationality of the foreign purchaser, as owner of the said certificate.

The foregoing is made known to you for its compliance.

constitution and reforms

R. Estrada,

The Secretary of State and of the Office of Justice
[Inclosure 3—Translation]


No. 81. The First Chief of the Constitutionalist Army in charge of the Executive Power, considering that as a consequence of our fundamental laws whereby foreigners must enjoy in Mexico the same privileges as the Mexicans, it is natural and legitimate that they should have the same obligations, with a view that the liberality of our democratic institutions should not be understood nor carried to the extreme that foreigners, as owners of property in [Page 775] Mexico, be in better juridical conditions than Mexicans, as it has unfortunately happened and which would occur if they, besides the enjoyment of the rights, actions and resources offered by the Mexican laws in regard to property and its juridical relations, could formulate claims before their respective Governments; the same First Magistrate of the Republic, in view of the extraordinary faculties in him vested, has seen fit to direct the establishment of the following dispositions, obligatory in all the Republic.

1. Foreigners pretending to acquire real estate or national lands, mining claims, waters of federal jurisdiction, or permit for the exploration or exploitation of the natural riches, as forestal products, oil, fisheries, etc., in the Republic of Mexico, shall present beforehand in writing, before the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, a formal express declaration that in their capacity as proprietors or concessionaries and for all the effects and relations of the property which they desire to acquire, they consider themselves Mexicans, waiving their rights as foreigners and privileges of appeal for protection or claim to their respective Governments.

Foreign corporations cannot acquire rights on any of the properties specified in this circular, unless they nationalize and submit to the Mexican laws making the aforementioned declaration.

2. It is an indispensable requirement for the Ministry of Fomento, Colonization and Industry in order to admit any denouncement or application made by a foreigner or any of the matters referred to in the previous article, even for a simple permit for exploration, that he should present to it with the first communication a certificate issued by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, bearing the declaration mentioned in the previous disposition. Without this requirement the application must be refused emphatically and all proceedings made before the presentation of this certificate will be null and void. There shall appear in all property titles as well as in the permits on the properties aforementioned, which should be granted by the Ministry of Fomento to foreigners, as well as in the contracts or deeds authorized by public notaries, the full text of the certificate prescribed in the first disposition, besides the reproduction of the text thereof as a special clause. Failure to insert the certificate or that clause will cause the annulment of the title, permit, contract or respective deed.

3. In all matters already moved by foreigners which may be before the Ministry of Fomento or its administrative agencies with relation to any of the properties referred to in this disposition, the proceedings will be suspended and shall not be renewed until the presentation by the interested parties of the certificate in question. If within the period of four months beginning from the date of these dispositions the certificate is not presented by the interested parties they shall be regarded as desisting from their purpose and their applications will be filed, the interested parties not having a right of appeal against this resolution.

The present dispositions are obligatory in all the Republic of Mexico and shall be published in El Diario Oficial for its knowledge and due compliance and shall be in force on the day of its issuance.

constitution and reforms

Pastor Rouaix,

The Subsecretary in charge of the office of the Ministry of Fomento, Colonization and Industry