File No. 838.77–143

The Chief of Division of Latin-American Affairs to Mr. R. L. Farnham

Dear Mr. Farnham: Pursuant to our conversation of yesterday, I take pleasure in transmitting herewith a copy of the French text of the reply of the Minister of Haiti to the memorandum of the National Railway Company of Haiti, regarding the differences now obtaining between the Government and the railroad, together with a copy of the translation thereof.7

As I have already informed you, we shall, upon receipt of advice from you, be happy to arrange with Minister Ménos a date mutually satisfactory for the first oral discussion of the points at issue, during which the Department will, of course, be happy to lend its good offices.

Very sincerely [etc.]

J. Butler Wright
  1. Printed ante, inclosure to note from the Minister of Haiti, dated September 21, 1916, p. 379.