File No. 763.72111G27/8
The Acting Secretary of State to the German Ambassador (Bernstorff)
Washington, November 7, 1914.
My dear Mr. Ambassador: Referring to my previous communication to you of October 30 regarding the internment of the German cruiser Geier, the Department is now in possession of information that the German steamship Locksun, belonging to the Norddeutscher Lloyd Company, cleared August 16, 1914, from Manila with 3,215 tons of coal for Menado, in the Celebes; that she coaled the German warship Geier in the course of her voyage toward Honolulu, where she arrived soon after the Geier; that the Locksun received coal by transfer from another vessel somewhere between Manila and Honolulu; and that the captain stated that he had on board 245 or 250 tons of coal when he entered Honolulu, whereas investigation showed that he had on board approximately 1,600 tons.
From these facts the Department is of the opinion that the operations of the Locksun constitute her a tender to the Geier, and that she may be reasonably so considered at the present time. This Government is, therefore, under the necessity of according the Locksun the same treatment as the Geier, and has taken steps to have the vessel interned at Honolulu if she does not leave immediately.
I am [etc.]