Official positions of principal persons mentioned in the correspondence
- Abbas Hilmi, Khedive of Egypt.
- Albert I, King of Belgium.
- Alfonso XIII, King of Spain.
- Ancízar, Roberto, Colombian Secretary of Legation at Washington.
- Anderson, Chandler P., United States Special Legal Adviser to the Embassy in Great Britain.
- Arnold, Olney, United States Agent and Consul General at Cairo.
- Asquith, Herbert Henry, British Prime Minister.
- Augagneur, Jean Victor, French Minister for Marine.
- Bailey, James G., United States Secretary of Legation and Chargé d’Affaires in Portugal.
- Baker, James M., Secretary of the Senate of the United States.
- Bakhméteff, George, Russian Ambassador at Washington.
- Barclay, Sir Colville, British Counselor of Embassy and Chargé d’Affaires at Washington.
- Barros Luco, Ramón, President of Chile.
- Bernstorff, Count Johann Heinrich von, German Ambassador at Washington.
- Bethmann-Hollweg, Theobald Theodore Friedrich Alfred von, German Imperial Chancellor and Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Birch, Thomas Howard, United States Minister in Portugal.
- Bliss, Robert Woods, United States Secretary of Embassy and Chargé d’Affaires in France.
- Borghetti, Riccardo, Italian Counselor of Embassy and Chargé d’Affaires at Washington.
- Bray, John P., United States Consul General at Sydney, Australia.
- Brun, Constantin, Danish Minister at Washington.
- Bryan, William Jennings, Secretary of State of the United States.
- Bryn, Helmer Halvorsen, Norwegian Minister at Washington.
- Buckner, George W., United States Minister Resident and Consul General at Monrovia, Liberia.
- Bundy, Arthur Jones, United States Vice and Deputy Consul at Kingston, Jamaica.
- Burleson, Albert Sidney, United States Postmaster General.
- Burnell, Albro L., United States Vice and Deputy Consul General at Rio de Janeiro.
- Caffery, Jefferson, United States Secretary of Legation and Chargé d’Affaires in Sweden.
- Caldwell, John Lawrence, United States Minister in Persia.
- Chamberlin, George Ellsworth, United States Consul at Georgetown, British Guiana.
- Charles Francis Joseph, Archduke, Heir apparent to the thrones of Austria and Hungary (after June 28, 1914).
- Charles I, King of Roumania.
- Chinda, Viscount Sutemi, Japanese Ambassador at Washington.
- Christian X, King of Denmark.
- Clark, Champ, Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States.
- Clausse, Jean Roger, French Counselor of Embassy and Chargé d’Affaires at Washington.
- Córdova, Gonzalo S., Ecuadorian Minister at Washington.
- Cotten, Lt. Com. Lyman A., United States Naval Attaché at Tokyo and Peking.
- Crommelin, J. P., Liberian Minister at London.
- Crowe, Eyre A., Assistant Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of Great Britain.
- Cunningham, Edwin Sheddon, United States Consul General at Singapore, Straits Settlements.
- Daniels, Josephus, Secretary of the Navy of the United States.
- Davignon, J., Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Davis, George W., Chairman of the Central Committee of the American Red Cross.
- Davis, J. O., Collector of Customs at San Francisco.
- Dearing, Fred Morris, United States Secretary of Embassy and Chargé d’Affaires in Spain.
- De Beaufort, Willem Hendrik, Netherland Secretary of Embassy and Chargé d’Affaires at Washington.
- Decker, Benton C., Commander United States battleship Tennessee.
- Deichman, Carl Frederick, United States Consul at Nagasaki.
- Delcassé, Théophile, French Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Diederich, Henry W., United States Consul General at Antwerp.
- Djemal Pasha, Turkish Minister of Marine and Public Works.
- Dominíci, Santos A, Venezuelan Minister at Washington.
- Droppers, Garrett, United States Minister in Greece.
- Dumba, Constantin Theodor, Austro-Hungarian Ambassador at Washington.
- Easterling, Aldis Byron, United States Vice and Deputy Consul at Valparaiso.
- Egan, Maurice Francis, United States Minister in Denmark.
- Egerton, Sir Walter, Governor and Commander in Chief over the Colony of British Guiana.
- Ekengren, W. A. F., Swedish Minister at Washington.
- Enver Pasha, Turkish Minister of War.
- Estrada Cabrera, Manuel, President of Guatemala.
- Evans, Howard, Commander of United States cruiser Albany.
- Ferdinand King of Bulgaria.
- Findlay, Sir Mansfeldt de Cardonnel, British Minister in Norway.
- FitzRoy, Sir Almeric William, Clerk of the British Privy Council.
- Fletcher, Duncan U., United States Senator.
- Fletcher, Henry Prather, United States Ambassador in Chile.
- Francis Ferdinand, Archduke, Heir apparent to the thrones of Austria and Hungary. (Killed June 28, 1914.)
- Francis Joseph I, Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary.
- Frost, Wesley, United States Consul at Cork.
- Garrett, John Work, United States Special Agent in Europe.
- Garrison, Lindley Miller, United States Secretary of War.
- Gazzani, J. Fernando, Peruvian Minister for Foreign Affairs.
- George V, King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, etc., and Emperor of India.
- Gerard, James Watson, United States Ambassador in Germany.
- Gore, Thomas P., United States Senator.
- Gottschalk, Alfred L. M., United States. Consul General at Rio de Janeiro.
- Greene, Sir Conyngham, British Ambassador at Tokyo.
- Grevstad, Nicolay A., United States Minister in Paraguay and Uruguay.
- Grey, Sir Edward, British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
- Gustaf V, King of Sweden.
- Guthrie, George Wilkins, United States Ambassador in Japan.
- Haakon VII, King of Norway.
- Halim Pasha, Said, Turkish Prime Minister (Grand Vizier) and Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Haniel von Haimhausen, Edgar K. German Counselor of Embassy and Chargé d’Affaires at Washington.
- Harris, William J., Acting Secretary of Commerce of the United States.
- Harrison, Leland, United States Secretary of Legation and Chargé d’Affaires in Colomjbia.
- Hartman, Charles S., United States Minister in Ecuador.
- Havenith, Emmanuel, Belgian Minister at Washington.
- Herrick, Myron T., United States Ambassador in France.
- Hioki Eki, Japanese Minister in China.
- Hitchcock, Gilbert M., United States Senator.
- Hoffman, Arthur, President of the Swiss Confederation.
- Hollis, William Stanley, United States Consul General at Beirut.
- Hoover, Herbert, Chairman of Commission for Relief in Belgium.
- Horton, George, United States Consul General at Smyrna.
- House, Edward Mandell, Personal representative of President Wilson to the European Governments.
- Howard, Daniel, President of Liberia.
- Howard, Rt. Hon. Sir Esme William, British Minister at Stockholm.
- Hsü Hsao-cheng, Chinese General.
- Ionescu, Take, Roumanian Ex-Minister of the Interior.
- Jackson, Jesse B., United States Consul at Aleppo.
- Jagow, Gottlieb von, German Secretary of State.
- Jay, Peter Augustus, United States Secretary of Embassy and Chargé d’Affaires in Italy.
- Jemal, Colonel, Turkish Commander of Army Corps at Damascus.
- Johnson, Cone, Solicitor for the Department of State.
- Jones, John Edward, United States Consul General at Genoa.
- Jusserand, Jean Adrien Antoine Jules., French Ambassador at Washington.
- Kahn, Julius United States Representative in Congress.
- Kai Fu Shah, Chinese Minister in Washington.
- Kato, Baron Masuo, Japanese Minister of State for Foreign Affairs.
- Kehl, John E., United States Consul at Saloniki.
- Kemp, Edwin Carl, United States Consul at St. Pierre.
- Knabenshue, Paul, United States Vice and Deputy Consul General at Cairo.
- Kracker von Schwartzenfeldt, Dorotheus, German Minister in Colombia.
- Kuli Khan, Ali (Nabil-ed-Dovleh), Persian Chargé d’Affaires at Washington.
- Langhorne, Marshall, United States Secretary of Legation and Chargé d’Affaires in the Netherlands and Luxemburg.
- Lansing, Robert, Counselor for the Department of State and Acting Secretary of State of the United States.
- Lathrop, Lorin Andrews, United States Consul at Cardiff.
- Law, Andrew Bonar, Leader of the Opposition in the British House of Commons.
- Lay, Julius G. United States Consul General at Berlin.
- Listoe, Soren United States Consul General at Rotterdam.
- López Muñoz, Antonio, Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Lorillard, George L., United States Secretary of Embassy and Chargé d’Affaires in Argentina.
- Loudon, Jonkheer J., Netherland Minister for Foreign Affairs.
- Lowther, Sir Henry Crofton, British Minister at Copenhagen.
- Macchi di Cellere, Count Vincenzo, Italian Ambassador at Washington.
- MacMurray, John Van Antwerp United States Secretary of Legation and Chargé d’Affaires in China.
- Magruder, Alexander Richardson, United States Secretary of Legation and Chargé d’Affaires in Denmark.
- Mallet, Sir Claude Coventry, British Minister Resident in Panama and Costa Rica.
- Mallett, Frank Earle, United States Vice and Deputy Consul General at Budapest.
- Manning, Isaac A., United States Consul at Barranquilla, Colombia.
- Mansfield, Robert E., United States Consul General at Vancouver.
- Marye, George Thomas, United States Ambassador in Russia.
- Matsuda Genji, Member of the House of Representatives of Japan.
- McAdoo, William Gibbs, Secretary of the Treasury of the United States.
- McGoodwin, Preston Buford, United States Minister in Venezuela.
- McMillin, Benton, United States Minister in Peru.
- McReynolds, James Clark, United States Attorney General.
- Mehmed V, Sultan of Turkey.
- Mellor, Sir John Paget, British Procurator General.
- Méndez, Joaquin, Guatemalan Minister at Washington.
- Metz, Herman A., United States Representative in Congress.
- Morales, Eusebio A., Panaman Minister at Washington.
- Morgan, Edwin Vernon, United States Ambassador in Brazil.
- Morgan, Henry H., United States Consul General at Hamburg.
- Morgenthau, Henry, United States Ambassador in Turkey.
- Morris, Ira Nelson, United States Minister in Sweden.
- Morris, Leland Burnett, United States Vice and Deputy Consul General and Interpreter at Smyrna.
- Müller, F. von, German Minister at The Hague.
- Murphy, George H., United States Consul General at Cape Town.
- Naón, Rómulo S., Argentine Minister at Washington.
- Nathan, Edward Isaac, United States Consul at Mersina.
- Newton, Byron R., Assistant Secretary of the Treasury of the United States and Acting Secretary.
- Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia.
- Osborne, John E., Assistant Secretary of State of the United States.
- Owen, Robert L., United States Senator.
- Page, Thomas Nelson, United States Ambassador in Italy.
- Page, Walter Hines, United States Ambassador in Great Britain.
- Peet, William Wheelock, Trustee of American College for Girls at Constantinople and Chairman of the Administrative Committee on Near East Relief.
- Penfield, Frederic Courtland, United States Ambassador in Austria-Hungary.
- Peters, Andrew J., Assistant Secretary of the Treasury of the United States.
- Pezet, Federico Alfonso, Peruvian Minister at Washington.
- Pfeiffer, John, President Perth Amboy Board of Trade.
- Piazzek, D. F., Vice President of the Board of Trade of Kansas City.
- Poincaré, Raymond, President of France.
- Radoslavoff, Vassil, Prime Minister of Bulgaria.
- Redfield, William Cox, Secretary of Commerce of the United States.
- Reinsch, Paul Samuel, United States Minister in China.
- Riaño y Gayangos, Juan, Spanish Ambassador at Washington.
- Rifaat Bey, Turkish Minister of Finance.
- Ritter, Paul, Swiss Minister in United States.
- Rodd, Sir Rennell, British Ambassador at Rome.
- Romanones, Alvaro de Figueroa y Torres, Count, Spanish Premier.
- Ross, Alexander Carnegie, British Consul General at San Francisco.
- Salinas, Manuel, Chilean Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Saltaneh, Alaos, Persian Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- San Giuliano, Marquis A. Di, Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs.
- Savage, John Marbacher, United States Consul at Sheffield.
- Sazonov, S. D, Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs.
- Schack, Von, German Vice Consul and Acting Consul General at San Francisco.
- Schliemann, A., Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Schmedeman, Albert George, United States Minister in Norway.
- Sharp, William Graves, United States Ambassador in France.
- Shukri Bey, Turkish Minister of Public Instruction.
- Skinner, Robert P., United States Consul General at London.
- Snodgrass, John Harold, United States Consul General at Moscow.
- Sprague, Richard Louis, United States Consul at Gibraltar.
- Spring Rice, Sir Cecil Arthur, British Ambassador at Washington.
- Stephens, John H., United States Representative in Congress.
- Stewart, Samuel Vernon, Governor of Montana.
- Stimson, Frederic Jesup, United States Ambassador in Argentina.
- Stovall, Pleasant Alexander, United States Minister in Switzerland.
- Streit, Georgios, Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Suárez, Marco Fidel, Colombian Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Suárez-Mujica, Eduardo, Chilean Ambassador at Washington.
- Sukhomilinof, Gen. W. A., Russian Minister of War.
- Sun Pao-ch’i, Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Sweet, Edwin Forrest, Acting Secretary of Commerce of the United States.
- Talaat Bey, Turkish Minister of Interior.
- Thompson, Robert J., United States Consul at Aix-la-Chapelle.
- Van Dyke, Henry, United States Minister in the Netherlands and Luxemburg.
- Venizelos Eleutherios, Greek Prime Minister and Minister of War and Marine.
- Victor Emmanuel III, King of Italy.
- Vopicka, Charles J., United States Minister in Roumania, Servia, and Bulgaria.
- Wallenberg, Knut Agathon, Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Watson, John Jordan Crittenden, United States Consul at Roubaix.
- Whitehouse, Sheldon, United States Secretary of Legation and Chargé d’Affaires in Greece and Montenegro.
- Whitlock, Brand, United States Minister in Belgium.
- Wilhelm II, Emperor of Germany and King of Prussia.
- Willard, Joseph Edward, United States Ambassador in Spain.
- Williams, John Sharp, United States Senator.
- Wilson, Charles Stetson, United States Secretary of Embassy and Chargé d’Affaires in Russia.
- Wilson, Thomas Woodrow, President of the United States.
- Wyndham, Percy C., British Minister in Colombia.
- Wyvell, Manton M., Private Secretary to the Secretary of State of the United States.
- Yoshihito (Harunomia), Emperor of Japan.
- Young, George William, United States Deputy Consul General and Interpreter at Constantinople.
- Zimmermann, Alfred, German Undersecretary of State.
- Zupelli, Vittorio, Maj. Gen., Italian Minister of War.