File No. 763.72111G27/6

The Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs (Kato) to the Japanese Embassy at Washington

[Substance of telegram]

I am advised that several members of the complement of the Geier are under suspicion of having left Honolulu for San Francisco on October 27 by the S. S. Korea .

In the above connection, it must be noted that there is nothing to prevent them from conveying intelligence relating to the military matters of Japan, which would be irreconcilable with the principle of the United States Government, actually prescribing limitations on communication between the Hizen and the land as well as on use of the wireless, etc.1

Moreover, in case the Geier will have eventually been interned, the question concerning the disposition of the complement of the vessel naturally arises. Having this eventuality in view, it is deemed to be an obligation on the part of the United States, as a neutral, to prevent, in the meantime, any member of the complement from leaving the vessel for any distant point.

Consequently, should the above advice prove to be correct, it is considered proper that steps should be taken to cause these persons to return immediately to their vessel.

[Page 587]


Members of the complement of the Geier who are under suspicion of having left Honolulu for San Francisco on October 27:

As first-class passengers As second-class passengers
Egon Pretzel Fred Pahrish
Walter Sourbeck Paul Streibel

  1. See the note of the Acting Secretary of State to the Japanese Ambassador, October 27, post, p. 661.