File No. 150.07/47b
The Acting Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Representatives of Belligerent States
Washington, October 3, 1914.
[Circular note]
Excellency: A number of requests in specific cases have been made of the Department for permission for nationals of belligerent countries to come to the United States from Canada for the purpose of embarking to the countries of which they are citizens or subjects. The requests were granted, as neither the neutrality laws of the United States nor the proclamations of the President prohibit passage through the United States of reservists who are returning to their respective countries for the purpose of engaging in military service, provided their transit does not amount to the beginning or setting on foot, or providing or preparing the means for, any military expedition or enterprise to be carried on from the territory or jurisdiction of the United States.
The Department of State and the Department of Labor, after consideration of the subject, have reached the conclusion that embarrassment and criticism would be obviated by the issuance of general instructions to the United States immigration officials to permit the transit of reservists of belligerent nationalities who desire to take ship for their countries at ports in the United States, rather than to require each case to be presented separately through diplomatic channels. But, as this course will involve further relaxation of the administration of the immigration laws of the United States, its adoption will depend on the willingness of each of the Governments concerned to give to the Government of the United States an assurance that its male citizens or subjects of military age whenever permitted to enter the United States during the present war will not be allowed to become public charges in this country.
I shall be glad to receive from you such an assurance on the part of your Government.