File No. 763.72/1107

The Ambassador in France (Herrick) to the Secretary of State

No. 704]

Sir: Confirming my telegram No. 184 of this date,1 relative to the placing of submarine mines in the Adriatic Sea, I have the honor to transmit herewith a copy and translation, together with its enclosure, of a note from the Minister for Foreign Affairs, giving the text or the advice inserted in the Journal officiel in regard thereto.

I have [etc.]

Myron T. Herrick


The French Minister of Foreign Affairs to the American Ambassador in France (Herrick)

The Minister of Foreign Affairs has the honor to transmit to his excellency the Ambassador of the United States, the accompanying notification made in conformity with the stipulation of Article 3, paragraph 2, of the eighth convention of The Hague, 1907, relative to the use of submarine mines.


Notice published in the “Journal officiel”

Automatic mines having been sown in the Adriatic Sea by the Austro-Hungarian Navy, the French naval forces have been obliged to resort to similar measures in the said sea.

However, in order to avoid that inoffensive neutral ships should suffer harm such as has been unjustly caused by the Austro-Hungarian mines, the mines laid down by the French Navy are in conformity with the provisions stipulated by the eighth convention of The Hague, 1907.

The zone that is dangerous to navigation, comprises the territorial waters of the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom and the channels between the islands along the coast of Dalmatia.

Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern, in conformity with Article 3, paragraph 2 of the aforesaid convention.


The Minister for Marine, Victor Augagneur


The Vice Admiral Chief of Staff, Pivet

  1. Not printed.