File No. 763.72/1075

The Ambassador in Great Britain (Page) to the Secretary of State

No. 476]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a protest made by the British Government against the methods pursued by the German Navy in laying mines in the North Sea.

This protest was enclosed to me by His Majesty’s Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, in a communication requesting that it be forwarded to the Government of the United States.

I have [etc.]

Walter Hines Page
[Page 461]


The British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Grey) to the American Ambassador (Page)

His Majesty’s Government consider it their duty to bring before the notice of the United States Government the practice which is being pursued by the German naval authorities in laying mines on the high seas on the trade routes, not only to British but to neutral ports, and in furtherance of no definite military operation. His Majesty’s Government have reason to think that fishing vessels, possibly disguised as neutral, are employed for the purpose, and lay these mines under the pretense of following the ordinary avocations of fishing. Mines have been found in several cases as much as 50 miles from the coast.

This practice has already resulted, since the commencement of the war, in the destruction of eight neutral and seven British merchant and fishing vessels, so far as at present ascertained, with the loss of some sixty lives of neutral and non-combatant persons.

The practice of laying mines indiscriminately and in large numbers on the high seas, entirely regardless of the dangers to peaceful shipping, is in flagrant violation of the accepted principles of international law and contrary to the primary dictates of humanity. It is also in direct contradiction with the language of Baron Marschall von Bieberstein, who, as first German delegate at the Peace Conference of 1907, spoke as follows: “We do not intend, if I may employ an expression used by the British delegate, ‘to sow mines in profusion on every sea’. . . We do not hold the opinion that everything which is not expressly forbidden is permitted.”

The freedom of the seas for peaceful trading is an established and universally accepted principle; this fact has never been more clearly recognized than in the words of the report of the third committee of the Second Peace Conference, which dealt with the question of submarine contact mines: “Even apart from any written stipulation it can never fail to be present in the minds of all that the principle of the liberty of the seas, with the obligations which it implies on behalf of those who make use of this way of communication open to the nations, is the indisputable prerogative of the human race.”

This principle received further recognition in the third article of the convention relating to the laying of submarine contact mines:

When anchored automatic contact mines are employed, every possible precaution must be taken for the security of peaceful shipping.

The belligerents undertake to do their utmost to render these mines harmless after a limited time has elapsed, and, should the mines cease to be under observation, to notify the danger zones as soon as military exigencies permit, by a notice to mariners, which must also be communicated to the Governments through the diplomatic channel.

Not only have the German Government neglected to take every possible precaution for the safety of neutral shipping, but they have, on the contrary, deliberately and successfully contrived to sow danger in its track. The mined zones have not been kept under observation nor has any notification of their locality ever been made. The provisions of this article, which the German Government are pledged to observe, have therefore been violated in three distinct ways.

Article 1, Section 2, of the same convention has equally been violated by the German Government, for the mines which they have laid have in numerous instances been found adrift from their moorings without having become harmless. Yet the German Government made no reservation respecting this article either when signing or ratifying the convention.

The degree of respect with which the German Government treat their written pledges, and the pledges given verbally in their name by their representatives, is sufficiently apparent from what is stated above. It is brought into yet higher relief in the light of the following statement made by Baron Marschall before the third committee of the last peace conference, and repeated by him in full, and with added emphasis, at the eighth plenary meeting of the conference:

A belligerent who lays mines assumes a very heavy responsibility toward neutrals and peaceful shipping. . . . No one will resort to such means unless for military reasons of an absolutely urgent character. [Page 462] But military acts are not governed solely by principles of international law. There are other factors: conscience, good sense, and the sentiment of duty imposed by principles of humanity will be the surest guides for the conduct of sailors, and will constitute the most effective guarantee against abuses. The officers of the German Navy, I emphatically affirm, will always fulfil, in the strictest fashion, the duties which emanate from the unwritten law of humanity and civilisation.

His Majesty’s Government desire to place on record their strong protest against the illegitimate means of conducting warfare which has been resorted to by their adversaries. They feel that its manifest inhumanity must call down upon its authors the censure and reprobation of all civilised peoples.