File No. 165.102/34

The Consul General at Berlin (Lay) to the Secretary of State


Series 11, relative to German embargo. Tar oil and aniline salts are now forbidden export. Thorium nitrate, salol, acylphometadiïne, silver nucleïnate, and coloring matter, not aniline, are not prohibited. Following articles are doubtful: Dyestuffs for tanning purposes forbidden, otherwise permitted if not. Rattan reeds are not prohibited raw but if used for spinning purposes may be prohibited. Catgut is probably prohibited under head of transparent leather products or aviation supplies. Laboratory apparatus, whether for educational institutions or not, is prohibited if for bacteriological, chirurgical or medical purposes, excepting childbirth, and dental instruments. Potash fertilizers are now, in general, permitted exportation. Certain combinations of potash and sodium ten metals [sic] prohibited. Caustic potash prohibited. Exports for a month now permitted laboratory chemicals if not used manufacture of ammunition explosives. Medicinal preparations aviation purposes may be permitted export. Orders of Imperial. Chancellor relative to embargo, constantly changing. Permits are required if goods are questionable. Plenty of all these materials now for export. Freight regulations as to size would limit, bulky shipment best. Most available and cheapest routes from Berlin and its surrounding country are via Rotterdam or Copenhagen. Italian route much more expensive. Shipping at standstill until last few days. Now moving some.
