File No. 701.6361/4
The Chargé d’Affaires in Russia (Wilson) to the Secretary of State
St. Petersburg, August 8, 1914, 10 a.m.
[Received August 9, 11 a.m.]
Summoned urgently to the Austrian Embassy 2 [o’clock], morning, being informed Russian officers and soldiers had entered. Upon arrival found them preparing to remove from the Embassy garage the automobiles belonging to members of Embassy. Protested on ground that nobody could enter premises without my consent, building being under protection of the Government of the United States. Reply given that they must obey orders Ministry War. I called Foreign Office by telephone and again protested. Finally Ministry War gave orders to withdraw without motors. Foreign Office states legal department will decide as to rights of Russian Government to take motors, but I feel unauthorized entrance of Embassy premises by Russian officers is grave matter, especially coming after destruction of German Embassy through negligence of Russian Government. Please wire instructions; also whether I shall surrender automobiles if requested through Foreign Office.