File No. 763.72111/502
The German Ambassador (Bernstorff) to the Secretary of State
Washington, October 21, 1914
[Received October 22.].
J. No. A 1775]
Mr. Secretary of State: I am told that the tug F. B. Dalzell at 11 p.m. in the night of September 31—October 1 put to sea from Pier 6, East River, New York, to carry provisions to the British cruiser Essex. The Essex was lying about five nautical miles off Gedney Channel, two nautical miles southeast of Scotland Lightship. As she came out of Gedney Channel the tug is said to have come under the searchlight of the American warship Florida that was lying in front of the channel. The provisions, about 40 tons of fresh meat wrapped in cloth, were taken from the tug in boats that had been sent from the war vessel. The tug then returned to New York where it arrived at daybreak.
The tug G. H. Dalzell, which belongs to the same line, went on a similar errand in the night of October 1-2. That tug also left from Pier 6, East River.
I have the honor to bring the foregoing to your excellency’s knowledge with a request that you will kindly set on foot an investigation of the case and ascertain whether it constitutes a violation of the neutrality laws.
Accept [etc.]