Veteranista agitation; attitude of the United States

[320] The American Chargé d’Affaires to the Secretary of State.

File No. 837.00/502.

[321] [Untitled]

File No. 837.00/504.

[322] [Untitled]

File No. 837.00/506.

[323] [Untitled]

File No. 837.00/510.

[324] [Untitled]

File No. 837.00/512.

[325] [Untitled]

File No. 837.00/514.

[326] [Untitled]

File No. 837.00/513.

[327] [Untitled]

File No. 837.00/517.

[328] [Untitled]

File No. 837.00/522.

[329] The American Minister to the Secretary of State.

File No. 837.00/538.

[330] [Untitled]

File No. 837.00/541.

[331] The Secretary of State to the American Minister.

File No. 837.00/541.

[332] The American Minister to the Secretary of State.

File No. 837.00/545.

[333] The Secretary of State to the American Minister.

File No. 837.00/545.

[334] The American Minister to the Secretary of State.

File No. 837.00/549.