File No. 815.00/904.
The Honduran Legation to the Department of State.
Washington, December 8, 1910.
Aide Memoire.
The minister of Honduras presents his compliments to his excellency the Secretary of State, and has the honor to inform him that since their last interview he has received from New Orleans the following news in regard to the projected invasion of Honduras:
Gens. Manuel Bonilla and Lee Christmas, supposed to have been expelled from Guatemala, are now in New Orleans preparing the new invasion of Honduras. They have either chartered through [Page 293] other persons or bought the steamship Hornet, which will sail from that port for Livingston (Guatemala) with a cargo supposed to be general merchandise. It is said that before reaching Livingston she will meet another boat and take on board a number of men which are now being recruited in this country by Gen. Lee Christmas, and at Livingston she will take on board arms and ammunitions.