- Political affairs—Revolution. Organization of revolutionary government of
Francisco I. Madero. Suspension of constitutional guaranties. Message of
President Diaz. Armistice and treaty of peace. Resignation of President
Diaz. Provisional presidency of de la Barra. Recognition of de la Barra’s
Government by the United States. Progressive Constitutional party convention
and platform. Message of President de la Barra. Election and inauguration of
President Madero. Arrest of Gen. Reyes in the United States. Measures taken
in anti-American demonstrations and to prevent breach of neutrality laws.
Action of diplomatic corps in City of Mexico. Transportation of Mexican
troops through border States of the United States (Documents 454–792)
- Overflow of the Colorado River into the Imperial Valley or Salton Sea sink
region, California, and restoration of the broken levees. Transportation of
Mexican troops and a constabulary force through territory of the United
States, and American troops over Mexican territory (Documents 793–845)
- Convention and Supplemental Protocol between the United States and Mexico;
Award and Dissenting Opinions—Chamizal Tract Arbitration (Documents 846–857)
- Convention. (Document 846)
- Supplementary protocol. (Documents 847–850)
- Award by the International Boundary
Commission. (Document 851)
- Dissenting opinion of the American
commissioner. (Documents 852–857)
- Convention. (Document 846)
- Imprisonment of Edward M. Blatt and Lawrence F. Converse in Mexico (Documents 858–873)
- Protection of Chinese subjects in Mexico by American diplomatic and
consular officers. Temporary refuge granted. Waiver of exclusion act (Documents 874–885)
- Permission to foreigners in prison to be visited by consul or diplomatic
officer (Documents 886–888)