File No. 437.00/14.
Sir: Referring to my despatch No. 965, of the 1st instant, I have the honor to report that I have learned from President Gómez that the Cuban minister in Washington had informed him, under date of the 6th instant, that President Taft would not decline to act as arbitrator of the so-called “insurrectionary claims,” in case he should be invited to do so. I have also learned that it was not until after the 1st instant that the representatives of France, Germany, and Great Britain (who had received instructions by cable on June 30) made their proposition in regard to submitting the question to arbitration, and that their Governments are not yet in full accord as to the manner in which such arbitration should take place, as concerns details. Without waiting for further discussion, however, the Cuban Government proposed, under yesterday’s date, that the questions at issue be submitted to President Taft, and this suggestion will now be referred to the several European Governments concerned.
I have, etc.,