File No. 437.00/13.
The President of Cuba to the President of the United States.
My Illustrious Friend: Although I had the honor to offer through Mr. Martín Rivero, the minister of Cuba at Washington, my greetings on the occasion of your silver wedding, I now take great pleasure in renewing to you and Mrs. Taft my heartiest congratulations and most earnest wishes—which also express those of the people of Cuba—for the uninterrupted happiness of your home and the prosperity of the American Nation * * *.
[Here follow observations on general political and economic conditions.]
But the main object of this letter is to thank you most sincerely for the kindness with which you have consented to yield to our desire [Page 129] that you accept the office of arbitrator in the adjudication of the claims preferred against Cuba by certain European Governments. I have received this very day a telegram filed in Washngton by Mr. Rivero in which he informs me that you would not decline it if the claiming nations should also jointly refer the case to your arbitration.
I shall endeavor to obtain their assent which I dare say will not be very difficult, as I believe, and make bold to say to you, that both they and Cuba will find in you a solid guaranty of equity and wisdom.
And I take the greatest pleasure, my dear Mr. President, in availing myself, etc.,