File No. 831.415A/5.

Chargé Whitehouse to Secretary of State.

No. 620.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that, by decree of October 6, the minister of foreign affairs is instructed to invite the following nations to take part in the festivities of the Venezuelan centennial, which occurs next July, for the following reasons:

  • Spain, the mother country, as a sign of filial affection.
  • Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia, the sister Republics freed by Bolivar.
  • Great Britain, for the help that her sons lent to the cause of Venezuelan emancipation.
  • The Republic of Haiti, for the support that its Government lent to the struggle for independence.
  • The United States of America, in commemoration of their having been the first nation that recognized the independence of Venezuela.
  • The Argentine Republic, and the United States of Brazil, as a mark of gratitude for their friendly behavior in moments difficult for Venezuela.
  • Mexico, in return for the invitation that its Government extended to Venezuela to celebrate the Mexican centennial.

This decree amplifies the original program, forwarded in my No. 530 of March 31, by adding the United States, Argentine, Brazil, and Mexico to the list of specially invited nations.

I have, etc.,

Sheldon Whitehouse.