The Costa Rican Minister to the Secretary of State.
Washington, October 14, 1909.
Sir: I have the honor to apprise you that my Government, after the lapse of five months since the Panaman Legation was accredited in San Jose without a settlement of the boundary dispute being as much as set on foot, being convinced that it will be impossible to attain any practical result on the case by means of direct negotiations, has decided to reopen negotiations with the Washington Government and again solicits its good offices in order to bring Panama to the field of arbitration, if it were impossible to reach any other solution, and with this end in view it has decided again to accredit to the said Washington Government Señor Don Luis Anderson in the capacity of envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary on special mission.
Mr. Anderson will in due course call at the Department of State.
I beg, etc.,