Consul Moffat to the Secretary of State.


Mr. Moffat reports that Gen. Estrada has received the following telegram, dated June 23, from Manuel E. Morales, president of the Cartago court of justice:

The Nicaraguan political question has arrived at such a state that the Central American court of justice deems it to be its duty to again offer you and His Excellency [Page 755] President Madriz the mediation of the tribunal, so that you may promptly and through such mediation obtain the pacification of the country. Therefore, the permanent commission of the tribunal, in whose name I act, urges and calls upon your patriotism so that you accept this means of conciliation for the welfare of Central America’s cherished interests, sending immediately new basis upon which may be founded a definite arrangement.

Permit me to suggest to you that the basis should be entirely new, since neither one nor the other of the former gave results, both claims having been examined. Both you and His Excellency President Madriz may rest assured that the attitude of the tribunal will be one of great impartiality. This alone assures to Nicaragua and to Central America future welfare, the reestablished harmony, and the reconciliation of the exhausted Nicaraguan family. I urgently request your reply. I transmit this same telegram to His Excellency President Madriz.