President Taft to the President of Mexico.
Washington, June 19, 1910.
I appreciate Your Excellency’s friendly interest in the relation of the United States to Nicaragua, which is in so deplorable a situation and whose welfare, like that of the other Republics of Central America, the Governments of the United States and of Mexico so earnestly sought to serve at the time of the Washington conventions.
As Your Excellency must have assumed, the telegram which Dr. Madriz caused to be sent you, like his similar telegrams to this and to a great number of other Governments, wherein he attributes the continuance of strife in Nicaragua to the policy of the United States, is evidently based upon erroneous advice as to the actual facts and as to the applicable principles of international law.
However, I am very glad, for your more precise information, to communicate the text of a statement which the Secretary of State has caused to be handed to Dr. Madriz by the consul at Managua and to be correspondingly communicated by the consul at Bluefields to the Estrada faction.1
In making Your Excellency this communication I seize the opportunity to reiterate the expression of the friendship of this Government for the Republic of Mexico and to renew to Your Excellency at the same time the testimony of my cordial personal feelings.
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