Consul Moffat to the Secretary of State.
Bluefields, June 7, 1910.
Mr. Moffat reports that Gen. Estrada has received from the court of Cartago the following, dated June 6:
Referring to your telegram addressed to this court, requesting its influence with President Madriz to the end that he accept the mediation of the United States, as proposed [Page 751] by you on March. 14 last, this tribunal will do what is possible when assembled with the delegate from Guatemala, whose arrival is expected; meanwhile the court deems it proper to indicate that it reiterates its offer of friendly mediation, according to the terms of its resolution dated April 27, in which is expressed the desire that the Nicaraguan question be settled in family, resolution which doubtless interprets the desire of all Central American people and which subsequently received the applause of the Washington Government.