The Acting Secretary of State to Consul Moffat.


Mr. Wilson quotes the following instruction, which the Navy Department has to-day telegraphed to Commander Gilmer, for the information of Mr. Moffat:

The attitude of the United States remains precisely as set forth in the Secretary of State’s letter to Rodriguez, December 1, 1909,1 which continues entirely applicable to the present situation. The capture by the Madriz faction of the former customhouse at the Bluff does not affect the fact that Bluefields, with certain adjacent territory, for which goods hitherto passing that customhouse are intended, appears to remain, as heretofore, under the de facto control of the Estrada faction. This Government therefore admits the right of the Estrada faction to collect customs for Bluefields, and denies this right to the other faction. Inasmuch as this Government recognizes neither faction as a government of Nicaragua, but merely as in de facto control of portions of the country, proclamations on either part which are inconsistent with this attitude are without effect on the United States and its citizens.

The consul at Bluefields reports that the American-owned sloop Adelaide has been | seized by Madriz faction and that American-owned schooner E fuerzo was stopped and American-owned cargo seized by those in control at the Bluff. This Government denies the right of either faction to seize American-owned vessels or property without consent of and recompense to the owners. In such cases if you can ascertain ownership you will instantly act in accordance with this policy.

You will immediately notify both factions and the snipping interests of the foregoing.