Consul Moffat to the Secretary of State.
Bluefields, May 17, 1910.
Sir: I have the honor to communicate the text of the answer sent by Gen. Estrada through the minister general to Executive Delegate Julian Irias in reply to a demand for the surrender of the city of Blue-fields and the Bluff.
The reply was transmitted through this consulate and the U. S. S. Paducah at noon on May 17, 1910.
Hon. Thomas P.
American Consul,
Sir: Kindly transmit the following message to the U. S. S. Paducah for delivery to the Venus:
Julian Irias, S. S. Venus.
Under instructions of his excellency the President and commanding general, Gen. Juan J. Estrada, I have to refer to your communication of yesterday, received this day at 10 a.m.
As the Government of his excellency Gen. Estrada regards as unconstitutional that over which Gen. Zelaya presided, neither in conformity with the desires of the Nicaraguan people nor in accord with the opinion of respectable and prominent men, among them Dr. Jose Madriz, who, in voluminous pages, demonstrated the unconstitutionality of the Zelaya Government, it can not at this time do other than to resist the pretensions of the perpetrators of the same Government, by which you have been invested with the powers of commanding general for the Atlantic coast as a delegate of the executive, to demand the surrender of the fortress at the Bluff and the city of Bluefields. I have to inform you that the Provisional Government is not only disposed to defend this fortress and city but to oust from this coast, as it will from the entire country, the usurpers of the public rights and powers.
Zenon R. Rivera, Minister General.
With kind salutations and thanks for your courtesy, etc.,
Zenon R. Rivera.
I have, etc.,