File No. 4737/35.
The Secretary of State to the Brazilian Chargé
Washington, January 17, 1910.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of this date, confirming your previous oral announcement of the death of Mr. Joaquim Nabuco, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of Brazil near the Government of the United States.
In reply I inclose herewith for your information copies of the telegrams sent to President Pecanha and the American ambassador to Brazil, expressing the condolence of the President and of the Government and people of the United States on the death of the ambassador.
Be pleased, Mr. Chargé, to accept for yourself, the family of Mr. Nabuco, the Brazilian Government, and your Embassy the expression of the President’s sorrow and of my own sorrow and that of the other officers of this department at the death of a gentleman whom we all esteemed for his endowments of mind, attractive personality, and courtesy in intercourse, and whose ability and tact have contributed so much to strengthen the friendship of our two countries.
Accept, etc.,