File No. 212.11G16/18.

Ambassador Wilson to the Secretary of State.

No. 232.]

Sir: With reference to the department’s instruction, No. 74, of July 12, 1910, directing me to request the extradition from Mexico of Heliodoro Garcia, who is charged with assault with intent to commit murder, and is wanted by the authorities of the State of California, I have the honor to transmit to the department herewith copy in translation of a note from the Mexican foreign office, of October 27 last, stating that the President has granted his extradition. It is pointed out that Garcia has the right to request amparo within three days after he is notified by the judge that he is to be extradited. When I am informed that no amparo has been asked for, or granted if asked for, I shall again communicate with the department.

I have, etc.,

Henry Lane Wilson.
[Page 729]

The Minister for Foreign Affairs to Ambassador Wilson.

Mr. Ambassador: I have the honor to inform your excellency that the President of the Republic has been so good as to declare that the extradition of Heliodoro Garcia, requested by the embassy, should be and is granted.

On this date a notice of the permission is being forwarded to the district judge of the the State of Jalisco, in order to carry out the corresponding procedure. Included in this procedure is the right that the prisoner has to request Federal amparo within three days after he has been notified by the judge.

I avail, etc.,

Enrique C. Creel.