File No. 23380/1.
The Acting Secretary of State to the Mexican Ambassador.
Washington, June 29, 1910.
Excellency: Referring to your excellency’s esteemed note of April 12 last, conveying an invitation from the President of the Republic of Mexico to this Government to be officially represented at the centennial celebration of your country, which takes place in September next, I have the honor to inform you that the President has appointed as his special ambassador to the celebration in question the Hon. Curtis Guild, jr., formerly governor of the State of Massachusetts. In addition, and in conformity with the action of the Federal Congress creating a special commission to represent this Government on the same occasion, the President has further appointed the following gentlemen to represent the Government of the United States, with the rank of envoys extraordinary and ministers plenipotentiary: United States Senator Lee S. Overman, of North Carolina; United States Senator Simon Guggenheim, of Colorado; [Page 713] United States Senator Coe I. Crawford, of South Dakota; Representative David J. Foster, of Vermont; Representative William Marcellus Howard, of Georgia; Representative Jacob Sloat Fassett of New York; James W. Gerard, justice of the supreme court of New York; Franklin Murphy, ex-governor of New Jersey; and Col. Charles Alexander Rook, editor and proprietor of the Pittsburgh Dispatch.
I beg that your excellency will convey this information to your Government, and at the same time I have the honor to request that the department may be informed at your earliest convenience of the exact date in September when it will be agreeable to your Government for the special ambassador and the special commission, above referred to, to reach the City of Mexico.
Accept, etc.