[Inclosure 1.]
Ambassador Reid
to the Minister for Foreign
American Embassy,
London, June 29,
Sir: In view of a request preferred by the
three commissioners of Liberia now in Washington on a diplomatic
mission, as well as in view of the old agreement between His
Majesty’s Government and that of the United States about their
special interest in the independence of the Liberian Republic, I am
instructed to say that the Government of the United States still
maintains a special interest in the welfare of Liberia, arising from
the circumstances under which the settlement of the country was
made, and is very desirous now to be of assistance to the
Recalling the agreement referred to (made on the initiative of His
Majesty’s Government Mar. 8, 1897, concurred in by us Mar. 13,
1897), we should be glad to have your views as to how the two
Governments could best cooperate at the present time toward
promoting the welfare of Liberia.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure 2.]
The Minister for Foreign
Affairs to Ambassador Reid.
Foreign Office,
London, July 23,
Your Excellency: I have the honor to
acknowledge the receipt of your excellency’s note of June 29 last,
in which, after calling attention to the special interest felt by
your excellency’s Government in maintaining the independence of the
Liberian Republic as borne out by the notes exchanged between the
British and United States Governments in March, 1897, you request
the views of His Majesty’s Government as to the best manner in which
the Government of the United States could at the present time
cooperate with His Majesty’s Government in order to promote the
welfare of Liberia.
As your excellency is aware, the interest felt by the Government of
the United States is fully shared by His Majesty’s Government, who,
at the request of the Liberian authorities themselves, have lent to
them the services of certain officials to assist in reorganizing
their customs and their frontier police force. Mr. W. J. Lamont, who
has been intrusted with the reorganization of the customs, has
already been able to increase considerably the revenue derived from
this branch of the administration and has succeeded, it is hoped, by
his methods in introducing a more healthy tone into the customs
department. He has also recently been appointed by the Liberian
Government to be their financial adviser, and there is reason to
hope that his advice may lead to an improvement in the
administration of that department.
As I had the honor to explain in March last to the United States
chargé d’affaires, His Majesty’s Government have, in any measure
they may be called upon to take in Liberia, no designs whatever upon
the independence or integrity of the country, and they do not intend
to undertake any responsibility with regard to it. The services of
British officials have been lent to the Liberians solely with a view
to the better preservation of order, more particularly in that part
of Liberia which marches with Sierra Leone and improved
The French Government also, as your excellency is doubtless aware,
takes a special interest in the affairs of the Republic, and His
Majesty’s Government have already assured them that they would have
no objection to the services of some French officials being lent for
the same objects as the British officials. It is doubtful,
therefore, whether there is at the present time any scope for the
cooperation of the United States Government in the customs or
police, and if they desire to render active assistance to the
Liberian Government they will, perhaps, prefer to direct their
attention to other branches of the administration, which are as
urgently in need of reform.
That reforms are required in one other branch at least His Majesty’s
Government have reason to know, for among the chief difficulties
which His Majesty’s Government experience in regard to Liberia are
the frequent complaints received from British subjects as to the
treatment they receive in the Liberian courts. If, therefore, the
United States Government could see their way to introducing reforms
into the judiciary, either by lending the services of an official to
act as judicial adviser or in some other manner, much good would, in
the opinion of His Majesty’s Government, be
[Page 699]
derived not only by the various subjects of
foreign nationalities resident in the country, but also by the
Liberians themselves.
While calling attention more especially to this one branch of the
administration which has been a frequent source of trouble, I need
hardly add that His Majesty’s Government would welcome the
cooperation of the Government of the United States with them in
Liberia in any other manner which may appear more suitable or more
desirable on a consideration of all the circumstances.
It appears to His Majesty’s Government that the main risk to the
future of Liberia arises from the inefficiency of Liberian
administration of their own affairs, especially in matters of
finance, and any suggestion which the United States might see fit to
give them to follow the advice of such foreigners as they have
themselves engaged to help in their administration would have a
beneficial effect.
I have, etc.,