The Japanese Ambassador to the Acting Secretary of State.
Washington, August 24, 1910.
Sir: Under instructions of my Government I have the honor to make to you the following communication on the subject of the protection in Korea of inventions, designs, trade-marks, and copyrights:
The Imperial Government, in addition to the announcement which they, have made respecting the annexation of Korea and the treatment which, in view of the new condition of things, is hereafter to be accorded in Korea to the subjects and citizens of foreign powers and to their commerce and navigation, have the honor to acquaint the United States Government that, in consequence of such annexation, the laws of Japan concerning inventions, designs, trade-marks, and copyrights are extended to Korea in place of the laws hitherto in force in Korea on the same subjects, and that the special office established in Korea to deal with such industrial and literary properties is abolished and the duties heretofore performed by it are, in the future, to be undertaken by the appropriate governmental bureau in Tokyo. As a result of these measures, a single registration in Tokyo and the payment of a single fee will hereafter be sufficient to secure due protection in Korea as well as in Japan proper. It is only necessary to add that rights now existing in Korea in virtue of registrations already effected or applications already deposited in pursuance of the convention between Japan and the United States, dated May 19, 1908, will continue to be duly respected in Korea.
Accept, etc.,