File No. 25010/24.
The Secretary of State to the Italian Chargé.
Washington, June 28, 1910.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your telegram of the 27th instant concerning the case of Porter Charlton and to inclose herewith the preliminary mandate requested.
In forwarding to you this preliminary mandate, which, as you know, has no other effect than merely to establish that extradition has been requested, without in any way involving a consideration of the legality or propriety of the extradition (which matters are determined when the extradition record is finally before the department), I desire to inform you that the certificate is sent with the distinct understanding that it is without prejudice to the right of this Government hereafter to determine the ultimate action to be taken by it in this case, in view of the answer already promised by the Italian Government to the question contained in the department’s telegram of the 24th instant.
Accept, etc.,