File No. 7357/703.
Chargé Brown to the
Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Tegucigalpa, January 4,
No. 200.]
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith two
copies of the annual message addressed by President Davila to the
National Congress which assembled on the 1st instant.
The most interesting passage, perhaps, is that referring to the question
of the Central American Union. I append hereto a copy of this portion of
the message, together with a translation.
I have, etc.,
Message of the President of
A matter of vital interest which actually is being agitated in the
whole of Central America is the much to be desired national union,
an idea which received a powerful impulse from the treaties of
Washington, creators of the court of justice at Cartago and of the
International Central American Bureau, institutions which in every
sense stimulate and nourish this idea.
The neutrality declared by Honduras and recognized by the nations
which subscribed to these treaties, a neutrality exacted by the
circumstances in which exist the political relations of the
Governments of Guatemala, Salvador, and Nicaragua, places our
Government in the position of not being able to take the initiative
in that grand idea; but this does not hinder it from adhering to the
same, once it shall be brought about by the other States, since I am
firmly convinced that while these countries remain under present
conditions peace will be ephemeral, a peace which exhausts our
resources and which discredits us before civilized nations.
I am not unaware that the States of Central America are not yet
prepared to unite politically; but Honduras, because of its
geographical position, being the country of the Isthmus most exposed
to civil wars and seeing continually appear on its frontiers the
specter of invasions, emboldened by the state of division in which
we live, would, I think, be most benefited by the national union.
Only in this way will cease the civil wars which have engendered the
spirit of faction and personal ambition characterizing our distinct
parties and which have produced no other result than anarchy in
politics and society.