The Secretary of State to Ambassador Hill.


Mr. Knox refers to Mr. Hill’s telegram of March 26 and directs him to express the gratification of the department over the results of the conference of representatives of the United States, Germany, France, and England at their recent meeting in Paris, called at the happy suggestion of the German foreign office for the consideration of the projects proposed in department’s note of October 18, 1909. Mr. Knox says that this Government is pleased to signify its assent to the proposals as to the additional protocol modifying the prize court convention, and only waits the assent of the Governments of England and France before bringing the matter to the attention of the Netherlands Government in accordance with the procedure agreed upon at the Paris conference, and adds that the department, with peculiar interest and sympathy, now but awaits the receipt of the full French text of the convention for the establishment of the court of arbitral justice, in order to be in a position to signify its formal assent to the articles of the convention on this important subject so far as agreed upon at Paris.