File No. 13251/8.
The Acting Secretary of State to the British Ambassador.
Washington, May 7, 1910.
Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of this day’s date, by which you officially communicate the sad intelligence of the death last evening at 11.45 o’clock of His late Majesty King Edward VII.
Deeply moved by this lamentable event the President has, in telegrams addressed to Queen Alexandra and to His Majesty George V, given expression to the profound sympathy of the people and Government of the United States with their majesties and with the British Nation in their bereavement, as well as to his personal sympathy and appreciation of the high qualities which made the life of His late Majesty so full of influence toward peace and justice among the nations; and, participating in these sentiments, the Secretary of State, in a telegram to Sir Edward Grey, expressed his sympathy and sorrow in the loss sustained by the British Government. Added to these, I beg to assure your excellency of my own sympathy and condolence with your excellency and the British people in this hour of grief.
Should your excellency so desire the department places itself subject to your request in cooperating with the embassy in arranging for a memorial service to His late Majesty at such date and place as your excellency may select.
I have, etc.,