File No. 14503/8.

The Argentine Minister to the Secretary of State.


Mr. Secretary of State: By direction of my Government I have the honor to communicate to your excellency the program of ceremonies on the occasion of the centennial anniversary of our national independence.

Accept, etc.,

Epifanio Portela.

General Program of the Ceremonies Which Will Take Place During the Week of May and on Following Days.

Evening before.

Reception of foreign vessels by the Argentine fleet in the Rio de la Plata.

Official reception of the representatives of the army and fleets of foreign countries and other delegates in the Government House.

Naval review by the President of the Republic in the outside roadstead.

May 25.

National hymn in the Plaza de Mayo.

Procession of schools.

Laying of the foundation stone of the Monument to Independence by the President of the Republic.

Te Deum in the Cathedral.

Military review of crews of foreign vessels, Argentine vessels, foreign troops, and the National Army.

Illumination of the city and of warships in dock 4 and the north inner harbor.

Gala functions at the Theater Colón.

Following days.

Nautical festivities in the port with the cooperation of foreign and national warships.

Inauguration of the expositions of the centenary: Industrial, cattle, agricultural, hygiene, art, terrestrial transports, and railroads.

Opening of Congresses: Scientific, Americanists, hygiene, National Women’s.

Dedication of the monument to the Armies of Independence in the Plaza San Martin.

Dedication of monuments and statues to the members of the first junta.

Laying of foundation stones of statues to various great men of independence.

Dedication of the Plaza del Congreso and laying in it of the foundation stones of the following monuments: Assembly, 1813; Congress of 1816; Congress of 1853

Reception in the Palace of Congress.

Reception and dedication of the monuments offered by foreigners to the Argentine Republic; British, French, Spanish, Italian, Swiss, and Austro-Hungarian residents.

Athletic and equine contests.

Grand reunion of races in the Argentine hippodrome.

Reception at private clubs.

Visits into the interior of the country, farms, etc.

Literary festivals; popular festivals in general.

Leave taking of foreign delegates.