The Secretary of State to Minister Sherrill.


For your action and for repetition to Rio for action and to Lima and Quito for their information and guidance.

The United States minister to Ecuador telegraphs me as follows:

The President of Ecuador requests me to telegraph Secretary of State that Ecuador is ready to withdraw her troops from the frontier on the day fixed upon by the mediating powers for Ecuador and Peru to retire their forces.

The minister from Ecuador to the United States has stated to me that his Government is prepared to remove her troops from the frontier whenever the mediators indicate a time, and has requested that the mediators be asked to fix such time.

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The minister from Peru has also urged that a time be fixed, saying that to do so would be helpful to his Government in complying with the conditions of the mediation.

You will say to the minister for foreign affairs that I therefore suggest that in order to enable Peru and Ecuador to comply more easily with the first condition of the mediation, the three powers instruct their representatives at Quito and Lima to join in recommending June 4 as the day for withdrawing their troops from the frontier in compliance with the terms of the mediation. Also say that if the Government to which you are accredited agrees, as I hope it will, to take similar action, I will immediately instruct our representatives at Quito and at Lima so to cooperate with their Argentinian and Brazilian colleagues.
