File No. 24354/14.

The Costa Rican Minister to the Secretary of State.

Mr. Secretary: I have the honor to inform your excellency that the Government of Costa Rica duly appreciating the contents of your excellency’s note of the 11th instant, addressed to this legation, and deeply impressed by the various proofs of consideration and good will further received from the legislative and executive powers, the American National Red Cross, and directly from the people of the United States of America, has instructed me to convey to all of them, through your excellency’s worthy medium, the most sincere expression of profound gratitude for such noble acts in the hour of sorrow and grief which the calamity at Cartago has occasioned.

In complying with said instruction I have the honor to add that Costa Rica will never forget the kind regard with which the great Government of the United States has always honored her.

Be pleased, etc.,

J. B. Calvo.