Chargé Hibben to the Secretary of State.
Bogota, May 27, 1909.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the department’s No. 87, of the 19th ultimo, inclosing, for the information of the legation, copies of notes exchanged between the Colombian and Panama ministers at Washington concerning an alleged declaration by the Panaman minister as to the meaning of the words “region de Jurado” in the Panama-Colombia treaty.
I may say in this connection that, as will be seen from the incisures No. 2 in this legation’s dispatches Nos. 261 and 264,1 an entirely erroneous impression is abroad in this country in regard to the meaning of this phrase which has, more than any one element save the general hostility to the Government of President Reyes, served to produce the present widespread opposition to the treaties and to inflame public feeling against the United States.
I have, etc.,
- Not printed.↩