File No. 511. 4A1/933.

The Secretary of State to Chargé Schuyler.

No. 483.]

Sir: The department acknowledges receipt of your No. 1260 of November 16, inclosing a note, No. 68, from the minister for foreign affairs in regard to the International Opium Conference.

The department notes that you have been informed that the tentative program contained in the circular proposal of September 21, 1909,1 was referred to the respective authorities concerned, and after being fully considered by them they have no objection thereto; but as to its details the Japanese Government begs to reserve its views until the conference assembles. Also that the Japanese Government has no objection to the convening of the conference at an early date.

You have been advised, for the information of the Japanese Government, that the Netherlands Government has proposed May 30, [Page 327] 1911, as the date for the assembling of the conference, and you will now inform Count Komura that this Government is highly gratified at the acceptance by the Japanese Government of the general principles of the tentative program proposed by the United States, and that this Government appreciates the desire of the Japanese Government to reserve its full views in regard thereto until the convening of the conference.

I am, etc.,

P. C. Knox.