File No. 511.4A1/790.

The Acting Secretary of State to Chargé Tarler.

No. 217.]

Sir: The department is in receipt of your dispatch No. 635 of August 1, 1910, in which you confirm your cable of May 11 last to the effect that His Siamese Majesty’s Government accepts in principle the tentative program of this Government’s proposal for an international opium conference.

The department notes that on the 25th of July last the Netherlands minister, Mr. Neiuwenhius, forwarded to His Siamese Majesty’s foreign office the invitation to attend the conference; that the invitation was in turn forwarded to the minister of finance; and that His Siamese Majesty’s foreign minister, Prince Devawongse, is arranging to send an acceptance to the Netherlands minister stating that the Siamese delegates are to be Phya Visutr Kosa, the Siamese minister to London, and W. J. Archer, Esq., C. M. G., councillor to the Siamese legation in London.

Prince Devawongse will no doubt have learned by this time, through the Netherlands minister, that the date of the conference has been postponed, China having informed the Netherlands Government that she would not be prepared for the conference before the 15th of October.

I am, etc.,

Huntington Wilson.