File No. 774/775.
The Acting Secretary of State to the Netherlands Minister.
Washington, August 10, 1910.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your telegram, dated August 6, 1910, in which you state that you are instructed by your Government to inform the Secretary of State that the Chinese Government having urgently requested a postponement of the prospective opium conference, your Government will propose a later date for the convening of the conference.
In reply I have the honor to state that on August 5 last, at 5 p.m., the following cablegram was sent for the information of your Government to the minister of the United States at The Hague:
See that it is clear to the Netherlands Government that our suggestion of September 15 as the date of the opium conference was purely tentative, depending naturally upon the convenience and preparedness of the powers concerned, as to which the Government of the Netherlands to which this phase of the matter is intrusted will naturally consult them.
Explain that the following powers have signified that they will participate: China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Portugal, Persia, Russia, and Siam; that Austria-Hungary has declined; that Turkey has not yet replied; that the final reply of Great Britain is shortly expected; that China has expressed to this Government doubt whether it could be prepared at the date suggested; and that we ourselves have no information indicating the preparedness of Great Britain.
You will see, therefore, that the Government of the United States leaves to your Government the decision in regard to the date of convening the conference.
Accept, etc.,