File No. 774/722.
Ambassador Leishman
to the Secretary of State.
American Embassy,
Rome, April 11,
No. 208.]
Sir: With reference to my dispatch No. 185, of
March 18, 1910,1 in
regard to the proposed international opium conference, I have the honor
to inclose herewith a copy of a note received from the Italian ministry
of foreign affairs, together with a translation thereof, in which it is
stated that almost contemporaneously with the receipt of Mr. Garrett’s
note No. 43, of October 4, 1909,1 inviting Italy to send delegates to the conference,
the Italian foreign office received a report from the Italian ambassador
at Washington on the same subject.
I have, etc.,
The Minister for Foreign
Affairs to Ambassador Leishman.
Ministry for Foreign Affairs,
Rome, April 8, 1910.
Mr. Ambassador: Almost at the same time as
your excellency’s note of October 4 last, No. 43, in regard to the
proposed international conference for the restriction of the opium
trade, a report was received at this ministry from the royal
ambassador in Washington on the same subject.
[Page 306]
The minister of the interior, wishing to make some reservations in
regard to the proposal to create an international commission which
should be charged with the duty of applying the provisions of the
agreement eventually concluded in regard to opium trade and
production, believed it opportune, before giving your excellency a
definite reply, to have the royal ambassador in Washington make
inquiries of the Washington Government.
From the report just received from the above-mentioned
representative, I learn that the American Government acquiesces in
the reservations made by the Royal Government, that the commission
should not, in any case, have powers such as would permit it to
meddle in any way with the internal affairs of the several
participant States. The Federal Government has also accepted the
proposal of the Italian Government to include in the program of the
conference the question of the Indian hemp and hashish trade.
In view of the preceding, I have the honor to inform your excellency
that the Royal Government will adhere to the conference and will in
due time appoint an official representative.
Please accept, etc.,
P. Di Scalea,
Under Secretary of