File No. 774/697.
The Secretary of State to Ambassador Hill.
Washington, March 2, 1910.
Sir: The department acknowledges your cablegram dated February 21,1 in which you state that—
The German Government accepts suggestion of the American Government regarding opium conference, and will join the Governments of the powers which took part in the International Opium Conference at Shanghai in sending commissioners with full powers to conclude an international convention on the basis of the resolutions of the Shanghai commission. Tentative program of the American Government to serve as basis for preliminary exchange of opinions will be subjected to an examination on the part of the German Government.
You will express to the minister for foreign affairs this Government’s appreciation of the prompt acceptance by the German Government of the department’s proposal for an International Opium Conference, with full powers, to complete the work of the International Opium Commission. You are informed that the following Governments have already accepted the proposals of this Government: China, Italy, the Netherlands, Russia, and Portugal. The Netherlands Government, in accepting this Government’s proposals, expressed a desire to have the conference meet at The Hague, and stated that when notified by this Government as to the adhering powers, the Government of the Queen will issue the necessary invitation for the conference.
The British Government is considering this Government’s proposals and the foreign office is now in consultation with the India office in regard to the tentative program submitted in the circular letter of September 1 last.
I am, etc.,
- See dispatch No. 610 of February 21 from Ambassador Hill.↩